Web Design

Wide Varities of incredible solutions for your website at our Website Design Section.

Since 1997 By Design has been creating websites for businesses as small as a cake decorator to as big as HP Computer Corporation. Our number one concern is that every customer is happy and gets our full attention from the beginning of the project till the very end and beyond. Follow through this section to find out more.

SSL - Secure Credit Card Transactions If your Web site collects or handles sensitive information then you need a Secure Certificate to keep that information encrypted and safe from prying eyes. Secure Certificates provide invaluable protection to any Web site that contains forms that use or compile such private data as passwords, login names, credit card numbers, contact information, and social security numbers. A Secure Certificate is essential to keeping would-be hackers and intruders away from your customers and their data: With a Secure Certificate you can secure the applicable area(s) of your Web site and thus build an impenetrable fortress around the sensitive information. A Secure Certificate enables virtually unbreakable 128-bit Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) encryption of all sensitive transaction on the secured site.
File Transfers You can transfer your files directly to our secure FTP server. We recommend that you use Fetch for the Mac or WS_FTP for the PC as your FTP client. You can download either version as needed by following the appropriate link below.
Database Design - Tell us your needs for a custom database application! Programming languages such as .ASP, ASP .Net, PHP, Cold Fusion and many more are offered at By Design. Contact us today to set up an appointment now! Our FTP server requires the use of a username and password which you can obtain by calling your customer service representative and we'll be glad to supply you with all the necessary details.

Art Circle


Slutty Muffins

Let's Talk?​

Reach out to Shannon Sylvia to get some information on how to get your business branding started now!

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